

Faculty of OEM division

Faculty of the Division of Occupational, Environmental, and Climate Medicine provide services at: the Mount Zion Occupational and Environmental Medicine Faculty Practice; UCSF Occupational Health Services: San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) Employee Health; and the San Francisco Veteran Affairs Medical Center (SFVAMC). Our faculty members have affiliations with pulmonary medicine, toxicology, industrial hygiene, bioengineering and occupational health nursing. Close ties are maintained with the California Department of Public Health, California Environmental Protection Agency, and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Occupational & Environmental Medicine Residency Program

Gina Solomon

Gina M. Solomon, MD, MPH 

Chief, Division of OECM: Parnassus-Mt Zion, SFGH, and VAMC
Clinical Professor of Medicine

Program Director, OEM Residency, UCSF 
Principal Investigator, Public Health Institute
Research Interests: Health effects associated with climate change, including heat waves, infectious disease shifts, and disaster response post-Katrina; public health strategies for preparing for climate change; environmental exposure assessment.

Robert Harrison

Robert Harrison, MD, MPH

Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Public Health Medical Officer, California Department of Public Health

Associate Program Director, OEM Residency, UCSF
Research Interests: Risk factors and prevention strategies for work-related carpal tunnel syndrome, heat stress, asthma and pesticide poisoning in the California workforce; risk factors and prevention strategies for work-related fatalities; tracking of work-related injuries and diseases in California; and investigation of novel cases and outbreaks in the California workplace.

Core Occupational Medicine Faculty

john balmes

John Balmes, MD
Professor of Medicine
Emeritus, UCSF
Research Interests: Health effects of ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. Research projects include controlled exposure chamber studies on human subjects, epidemiologic studies on air quality and asthma in Fresno, and exposures to indoor smoke from cook stoves and health effects in Guatemala and Malawi.


Rahmat Balogun, DO, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Medical Director, Occupational Health Services, UCSF
Research Interests: Role of osteopathic manipulation in employee health clinical practices.

paul blanc

Paul Blanc, MD, MSPH
Professor of Medicine Emeritus, Division of OECM, UCSF
Research Interests: Asthma and COPD in relation to workplace and environmental factors; occupational and environmental toxicology with a focus on pulmonary responses; the history of occupational and environmental medicine.

Max Blumberg

Max Blumberg, MD, MPH 

Assistant Professor, Division of OECM, UCSF
Associate Medical Director, Occupational Health Services, UCSF

Research Interests: Improving the OEM physician pipeline


Timur Durrani, MD, MPH, MBA
Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF

Associate Chief for Clinical Services of OECM, UCSF

Medical Director of Occupational Health Services, ZSFG
Research Interests: Occupational and environmental toxicology and emergency preparedness


Sheiphali Gandhi, MD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Research Interests: Occupational interstitial lung disease, silicosis, respiratory epidemiology

sam goldman

Samuel Goldman, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine Emeritus, Division of OECM, UCSF
Research Interests: Occupational and environmental epidemiology of Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases

matt gribble

Matthew Gribble, PhD, DABT
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Associate Chief for Research, OECM
Research Interests: Climate change, oceans and human health, environmental epidemiology, research methods


Sandeep Guntur, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Assistant Chief for Compensation and Pension, San Francisco VAMC

Research Interests: Occupational COVID-19 infection; military occupational health

Carisa Harris

Carisa Harris-Adamson, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Ergonomics Laboratory, UC Berkeley/UCSF
Director, COEH
Research Interests: Occupational ergonomics; peripheral nerve entrapment, work-related tendon disorders; cardiovascular load; workplace intervention studies.


Amy Heinzerling, MD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine
San Francisco VAHCS
Research interests: silicosis, occupational heat illness, smoking and vaping-related lung disease, air pollution, climate change, public health surveillance of occupational disease


Robert Kosnik, MD, DIH
Clinical Professor Medicine Emeritus, Division of OECM, UCSF
Research Interests: Occupational COVID-19 infection

Mark Miller, MD, MPH
Associate Clinical Professor, Division of OECM, UCSF

Director, Children's Environmental Health Center, OEHHA, California EPA
Research Interests: The unique susceptibility of children to environmental chemicals, particularly the impact of early life exposures on neurological and pulmonary development and associated signaling events.

David Rempel, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine Emeritus, UCSF
Former Director, Retired,
Ergonomics Laboratory, UC Berkeley/UCSF
Research Interests: Occupational ergonomics; peripheral nerve entrapment, work-related tendon disorders; hand biomechanics, tool design, workplace intervention studies.

Suzaynn Schick, PhD
Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Associate Director, Human Exposure Laboratory, ZSFG
Research Interests: Secondhand and “thirdhand” cigarette smoke exposure effects; e-cigarette exposure; wood smoke health effects.

James Seward, MD, MPP, MMM
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Clinical Professor of Public Health, UC Berkeley
Chair, OEM Program Evaluation Committee and Residency Advisory Committee
Research Interests: Ionizing radiation health effects; health promotion in the workplace; management of occupational health programs.

Dennis Shusterman, MD, MPH
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Emeritus, Division of OECM, UCSF
Research Interests: Health effects of irritant air pollutants on the upper airway, including the nose, paranasal sinuses, and vocal cords. The effects of sidestream tobacco smoke on the upper airway.

Supporting Clinical Faculty and Occupational Medicine Preceptors

Thomas Allems, MD, MPH
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Consultant — Occupational Medicine

Latifat Apatira, MD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Division of OECM, UCSF
Staff Physician - Kaiser Permanente Medical Group San Francisco

Richard Cohen, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Private Practice — Occupational Medicine and Industrial Toxicology
Research Interests and Practice Focus: Exposure assessment, development of occupational exposure limits, corporate global medical director, medical surveillance and biologic monitoring, pharmaceutical industry occupational exposure containment, and litigation consultation and testimony.

James Craner, MD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF

Corporate Physician, Tesla, Inc.; President, Verdi Technology, Inc.
Consultant/Clinician—Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Reno & Las Vegas, NV / Sacramento, CA
Research Interests: Electric vehicle and EV lithium ion battery  manufacturing; medical surveillance, biological monitoring and audiometric data analytics; health and safety compliance & software

Rupali Das, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Senior Vice President and California Medical Director, Zenith Insurance
Research Interests: Early intervention following work-related illness or injury to mitigate the negative impact of chronic comorbidities and psychosocial factors on recovery; promoting safer alternatives to chemicals used in the home and workplace; tracking work-related illness to understand etiology and recommend preventive measures. Dr. Rupali Das is the site preceptor for our residency rotation at Zenith insurance.

Michael Fischman, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Medical Director, Intel Corporation

Sarah Janssen, MD, PhD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Staff Physician - Kaiser Permanente Medical Group San Francisco
Research interest:
Research interests: Environmental exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals such as phthalates, bisphenol A, and flame retardants; chemical screening and testing strategies for carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.

Anthony Lopez, DO, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF

Ray Meister, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Executive Medical Director - California Division of Workers Compensation

Jordan Rinker, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Medical Director, Premise Health

Jonathan Rutchik, MD
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF
Private Practice — Neurology and Occupational Medicine

Research Interests: Individuals and populations with neurological conditions and occupational and environmental injuries or exposures, neurological trauma, safety sensitive workers and disability.

Christina Wang, MD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of OECM, UCSF
Staff Physician, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, San Francisco